Video effort launched

Calling all Birankai dojos and friends worldwide: We need video of our
instructors, especially our senior women!

Inspired by some recent Aikido events here on the East Coast with very few women instructors, I created a new Youtube
playlist this month on the BiranOnline channel called “Women of
Birankai.” But I soon found that many of our  teachers have few or no
video clips online. Time to take action!

Please take it on yourself to film any female (or male) instructors in
your dojo and post the footage to YouTube, then send me the url. Phone
cameras are fine – just keep the clips short (2 minutes or less) and
action-packed. Try to get in close and use a tripod, if possible. You
can share the footage with me via Dropbox if you don’t have a YouTube
channel; email me at

No time to waste! Please take the time to capture our talented
instructors so we can share our Aikido with the world. Many
prospective students search for video when they are contemplating
starting Aikido or choosing a dojo, so this can benefit all of us.
Liese Klein