By Julian Frost, North County Aikikai
What a great day of training to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the North County Aikikai! Saturday’s classes began with Coryl Crane Shihan teaching body arts for the first hour – a fun class which was attended by many of NCA’s juniors and teens, as well as adult members. Next up, was Norman Wight Sensei, who taught a great Tanto Dori class. After lunch, Archie Champion Shihan taught the third class of the day, emphasising timing, direction and relaxation. Crane Shihan rounded off the day’s training with an hour of Jyo.
After training came the party! Thanks to everyone who made the party such a success, especially Party Planner Extraordinaire, Joanne Fogel, and host, Noam Ziv.
Many thanks to all who attended one or both of the activities, and to all those who sent gifts, flowers, and congratulatory messages.