Power trio to pay tribute to Lorraine DiAnne Shihan

Buy your plane tickets now: Master Aikido instructors Kristina Varjan Shihan, Barbara Britton Shihan and Gina Zarrilli Sensei are giving a special Valley Aikido Seminarseminar next month at Valley Aikido in Northampton, Mass.
The event, Nov. 14-15, is a tribute to and fundraiser for Lorraine DiAnne Shihan, a pioneering instructor in the Northeast. DiAnne Shihan and the three guest instructors all have deep ties to the  Aikido styles of Yamada Sensei, Kanai Sensei and Chiba Sensei and this promises to be a landmark event!

More info on the seminar at Valleyaikido.org.

Newly posted video at BiranOnline includes clips from Varjan Shihan at 2015 and 2013 Birankai Summer Camps, along with clips from Zarrilli Sensei’s 2014 seminar at Boston Aikikai. More clips to come and see you on the mat in Northampton.

L. Klein

The link below is of Britton Shihan at 2012 USAF Summer Camp.

A dynamic 1984 clip of DiAnne Shihan and David Halprin Shihan.