Uchideshi needs help!

Birankai is lucky to have several dojos that offer uchideshi programs: A chance for students to immerse themselves in the practice of Aikido. Uchideshi life is hour after hour of training, interspersed with hour after hour of cleaning and other dojo chores — all designed to build martial skills, awareness and the true spirit of Japanese budo.

Now one of our Birankai uchideshi needs some financial support from our community to continue her program. Lola Shapiro from Brooklyn Aikikai works very hard and has been a real credit to her dojo and teacher with her strong training at Summer Camp and other events. (See the clip below of Lola taking ukemi for Didier Boyet Sensei at Fire Horse Aikido earlier this summer.)

Lola’s a third of the way to her goal of $3,000  with only two weeks left — let’s get her the rest of the way!